Dogs on a Leash

Unleash Your Digital Purrformance with Our Furrocious Pet Audience!

Our properties allow you to engage pet parents at every pawsome life stage, and unleash tailored marketing like never before!

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We are a portfolio of brands that aggregates and engages with a diverse pet audience by delvering unique value at various stages of their journey and life.

Engage your audience, where you want to, when you want to

Our family of brands has allowed us to build an active, motivated audience to market to. This provides you with industry leading access you can’t get anywhere else.

Give Us A Howl

Owner Segmentation

Demographics Age, Gender, Affluence, etc.
Living Location Rural vs. Urban, State, City, etc.
Life Stage Moving, Renting, etc.
Pet Ownership Stage New Pet, Addtl Pet, Lost Pet, etc.

Pet Segmentation

Species Cat, Dog
Breed Pure vs. Mixed; Primary & Secondary Breeds, etc.
Pet Life Events Birthday & Ownership Day
Demographics Age, Color, Weight, Gender, etc.
Life Events New Home, Health Issue, etc.
Pets and owners across all life stages, states, demographics, etc.

Ready to Get Started Connecting with Pet Owners?

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